By Kami Lashy Team

March 22, 2023 2 min read

  • We start from the beauty hobby of young Vietnamese people
  • A place where women can unleash their beauty and connect their passions

With Kami Lashy Team, we are proud to be one of the pioneering false eyelash brands of the Vietnamese.

Kami is the one stop destination for those looking for fashion and youth. Kami Lashy products are invested in materials and lengths to suit all fashion personalities, in all situations.

Born in Oct 2021, so far Kami Lashy has been present on many trading platforms: website, amazon, esty,...

And don't forget to join the community of beautiful friends who always love Kami Lashy through both Facebook and Instagram.

  • Vision

One of the Vietnamese beauty brands that create trends, bring values ​​and quality beauty products.

  • Mission

A place to connect the love of beauty, freely express their own identity, spread positive values, create the best products and services to satisfy all fashion personalities.

  • Highlights of our journey

open for sale on website, amzon, esty....

Values ​​that make Kami Lashy

Straightforward - Honest - Focused on customers - Sharing - Desire for innovation

Kami Lashy's business ethics principle and is applied in all activities with customers and is the guideline for action of the entire staff.

Creativity and quality

Always strive to innovate and be more creative every day to bring the best quality products, so that the customer experience is better day by day.

Customers are the focus

- Kami Lashy always puts the customer at the center of all his thoughts and actions.

- Serve customers with sincerity and honesty.

- Always want to bring the best products and the best user experience to customers.

- Kami understands that, bringing value to customers is bringing value to ourselves.

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